Miami Dade College Professors and Students Explore the Globaltex Fine Linens Showroom in Florida
Nov 29, 2023
Globaltex Fine Linens was honored to host professors and students from Miami Dade College at its showroom in Florida this week.
About Miami Dade College
Today, more than 120,000 students attend Miami Dade College, a publicly supported college with eight campuses and numerous outreach centers offering more than 300 different degree pathways, including associate and bachelor's degrees, career certificates, and apprenticeships . It is one of the largest and most respected institutions of higher education in the country.
Our company CEO, Ramazan Patak, said, "We are pleased to host the valuable faculty members and students of Miami Dade College in our showroom. This visit allowed us to share our expertise, learn from each other and inspire the new generation of professionals."
At the event, we had a live chat with the students who visited the latest innovations and products of Globaltex Fine Linens. Our professors and students had the opportunity to learn about the quality of our products by examining our certified and organic cotton products.
As the Globaltex Fine Linens family, we would like to thank Miami Dade College for their visit.

Contact information:
Globaltex Fine Linens
Phone: +1 (305) 751 2343