
Cotton USA

Jun 24, 2023

We take pride in our products and their quality, we believe in only using the best cotton in order to sell the best products. And with our roots divided between Turkey and the USA, we can’t help but to see the amazing quality both countries have to offer, and use their products

What better way to prove our worth and quality than being certified by companies whose sole purpose is to protect the consumers and the environment? Therefore, we would like to explain a little bit about our certifications and what exactly they mean.

Cotton USA

Cotton USA is an organization that oversees the quality of the cotton produced in the United States, supervising the farms so they comply with the sustainability standards, transparent procedures and apply the technology created for each aspect of treating the cotton.

We as a company also share the mindset Cotton USA upholds, we are committed to use the best quality cotton while being gentle to the environment and utilizing only green procedures. That is why having the Cotton USA certification means so much for us.


OEKO-TEX’ goal is to oversee that the textile companies are making responsible decisions regarding the procedures and materials being used so they are not harmful for the planet. They are continuously developing new technologies and methods for the textile and leather industry.

Standard 100 is one of the six certifications OEKO-TEX provides, it tests the products for harmful substances or procedures being used during the production. If a company receives the Standard 100 label means that they are following the guidelines. Every inch of the product has been tested and approved by OEKO-TEX.

We are proud to say that all of our products are made without any harmful chemicals, and reusable energies. Our products are naturally dyed and hypoallergenic, making them safe for you and your family. We believe in working safely and responsibly, while guaranteeing the best quality products for our customers.


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