
Discount Fine Linens Manufacturer in USA

Jun 24, 2023

What Do Guests Notice in a Hotel Room?

Guests are noticing a room's textures and fabrics even if they're not consciously noticing them. The way that linen products look and feel will play a big role in a guest's overall perception of a room. Are bed sheets scratchy? Are towels stiff? Do pillow covers feel rough against the cheek? These are the little annoyances that can detract from even the most luxurious of rooms. What we feel with our fingertips affects our perception of our entire experience in a space. This means you can't just rely on linens that look good at first glance. While it's true that style is important, it is actually only one piece of a much larger recipe for satisfaction.

The Principles of Good Linens

Choosing linen styles for rooms is equal parts science and art. You have to take a scientific approach to setting the right mood and creating the right environment for relaxation and rest. The colors, patterns and textures you choose will actually play a big role in each guest's experience. In addition, the process of selecting linen designs also requires an artist's eye. Here are the top three elements to pay attention to when creating a linen theme:


-Thread count


Color is tremendously important when it comes to selecting the right linen products. Going with white linen designs can help to create a tranquil space. White is also a good choice if you're looking for options that can be cleaned easily using a single method. White linen works well when the goal is to create a crisp, clutter-free environment for guests to enjoy. That doesn't mean that there's not any room for color in a guest space. Pale shades of blue, pink and beige are also very calming. You can also opt to create a home-like, cozy experience for guests by selecting linen products with classic patterns that make a space feel familiar.

Thread count is also important. The goal is to offer a bed that feels more comfortable than the bed a guest is used to sleeping on at home. This will really enhance a night's stay and leave a guest with a fond memory. It's also important to seek quality when looking for linen products with high thread counts. A low-quality piece with a high thread count will need to be replaced more frequently than is convenient or economical.

Presentation is also extremely important. Guests enjoy a layered look on a bed because it creates a sense of softness. This means creating a medley of sheets, blankets and pillows. In fact, adding extra pillows to a bed makes it instantly more inviting. Placing between three and five pillows on each bed will ensure that it doesn't look like a bed is skimpy. You can also mix and match textures by placing a plush or silky blanket at the foot of the bed. That one small touch makes a big sensory impact.

How to Use Linen Designs to Enhance the Guest Experience

Uniformity is important when creating a linen theme that works. Simply piecing together products from different places can make a room look sloppy. That's why it's important to source discount wholesale linen products from one place. Globaltex is a discount wholesale manufacturer of linen products that makes it easy to find high-quality towels, bedding, blankets, throws, lounge chair covers and bathrobes that make a stunning impression. We bring luxurious, sensory-pleasing products from our production facility in Turkey to guest rooms in small towns, big cities and everywhere in between. Ask the team at Globaltex about our linen products if you're looking for designs that can bring a hotel to the next category. Contact us today.

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