How To Get Towels To Stop Shedding?

How To Get Towels To Stop Shedding?

Jun 20, 2023

There are quite a few ways to get your towels to stop shedding. The easiest thing you can do is switch to new towels, but if that isn't an option for you, there are other ways you can keep your towel from leaving behind lint everywhere.

How To Get Towels To Stop Shedding?

Use less dryer for old towels. The more you use your dryer, the more likely it is that your towels will shed.

Use less fabric softener for old towels. If you're already using less than recommended amounts of detergent and fabric softener on a regular basis, then try reducing those amounts even further when washing old items as well.

Freeze old towels.* Freezing can help prevent shedding by stiffening up loose fibers so they don't come off in clumps during laundering.

Washing New Towels With White Vinegar

Washing new towels with white vinegar will help remove the excess dye from your towels.

Fill the washing machine with hot water and add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the load

Wash your towels on a normal cycle and allow them to air dry in the dryer (no heat).

Washing New Towels With Baking Soda

Washing new towels with baking soda can help reduce the amount of lint that gets released during their first few uses.

Baking soda has a mild abrasive effect, which helps to remove the tiny fibers from your towel.

After you've rinsed out all of the suds from this initial wash cycle, run another normal cycle on high heat with no soap added.

Washing New Towels With Salt

Add a half cup of salt to the wash.

Add a quarter cup of salt to the wash.

Add a teaspoon of salt to the wash.

Freeze New Towels

Freezing new towels is an effective way to stop them from shedding.

Put the towel in a plastic bag and freeze it for 24 hours, then wash it as normal.

2 Do not use fabric softener with new towels, as this will make them shed even more!

Use A Lint Roller For Your Old Towels

If you have towels that shed, a lint roller can help. Lint rollers are cheap and easy to use. They remove the lint from your clothes and towels so that it doesn't get all over the place when you walk around with them on your body or hang them up on hangers in the closet.

Replace Your Very Old Towels With New Ones

Towels are a personal items, and you might not want to replace them just because they're old. But it's a good idea to do so anyway. Your towels may have been around for decades, but they can still be useful in other ways--you can donate them or give them away as gifts!

Use Less Dryer For Your Old Towels

In order to stop towels from shedding, you should use fewer dryers for your old towels. The best way to do this is by washing your towels in cold water and air drying them. This will help reduce the amount of lint that is left behind when they are dried in the machine or by putting them through the dryer on low heat (which can cause damage).

Use Less Fabric Softener For Your Old Towels

If you want to get your towels to stop shedding, try using less fabric softener on them. Fabric softener is the main reason why towels shed so much lint in the first place. If you use too much of it, then it will coat each strand of cotton with chemicals that prevent them from being able to absorb water easily.


In conclusion, there are many ways to stop towels from shedding. As long as you are willing to try some of these tips, they will work for sure!

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