
Quality of Your Linens: When To Replace Them

Jun 24, 2023

How long has it been since you replaced your hotel’s linens? If you’re not sure of the answer, now might just be the time. But don’t just replace your linens— upgrade them with high-quality wholesale linens from Globaltex Fine Linens! We specialize in soft, organic Turkish cotton-based products. Based in Miami, FL, we provide to hotels across the nation! Learn from the experts when it's time to replace your linens and how to prolong their life.

Is It Time To Order Wholesale Linens?

Investing in high-quality linens can prolong the life of your hotel's sheets, blankets, pillows, etc., but you'll have to replace them eventually.

Irreparably stained, fraying, or torn sheets will wean themselves out gradually one-by-one, but when is it time to replace the whole stock?

Once your supply as a whole feels less clean, or perhaps you've just gone through too many stains and damage in this batch, it's probably the right time to look for a trusted linens wholesaler.

Here are a few of the most common damages to linens that can build up over time, leading to replacement:

  • Food stains
  • Oily skin stains
  • Weather and washing temperatures
  • Frequency of use
  • Cleaning methods used
  • Allergen buildup

Keep Your New Linens Longer With These Life-Prolonging Tips

Now that you’ve replaced your old linens, you’ll want to keep them in use as long as possible. Extend their lifetimes with these helpful tips, courtesy of Globaltex Linens!

Make sure your linen supply is properly stocked (at all times).

You don't want to just have enough linens for all guests— you want to have enough extras for all guests as well.

Without a proper stock of excess linens, you will simply go through linens faster. Without enough extra linens, you risk running out for guests in need, increasing labor costs as you increase load turnarounds to meet demands, and will watch your linens wear and tear faster from increased use and washing.

Be sure your current washing process is compatible with your new linens.

If your current linens are similar (or identical) to your old ones, the washing instructions shouldn't change. You can rely on the same chemical ratios and optimal temperatures to get the best clean. With new linens, however, you may need to adjust these factors slightly. Make sure you consult your vendor on the best maintenance methods for your newly-acquired sheets!

Give your washing machine an upgrade.

Aside from actual use within guest rooms, the biggest factor leading to the wear and tear of your linens will be the wash cycle. The harsher the chemicals, the hotter the washer, the rougher the machinery, and the longer the linens sit in all these conditions will all damage your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases much more quickly.

It may be worth investing in some new machinery that is much gentler on your linens!

Contact Us

Are you ready to replace your hotel's linens? Get luxurious, high-quality wholesale linens that your guests will love from Globaltex Fine Linens! Order from our office in Miami, FL today!

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