
Tips On Using Your Face Mask To Prevent Coronavirus

Jun 24, 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that we all wear face masks when going about in public as part of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. With the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have become a hot topic online and are often constructed simply of cotton fabric, elastic, and some thread. The CDC notes that cloth masks can help prevent people who have the virus from spreading it, especially for those people who are not showing symptoms. Essentially, “Your mask protects me, my mask protects you.” There are still a lot of questions, however. How do you take care of your mask? How many do you need? How do you properly take it off and put it on? Read on to learn more about how to use and take care of your cotton face mask. Globaltex Fine Linens, USA is a top provider of wholesale hotel supplies in Houston, TX. Call Globaltex Fine Linens, USA for your face mask orders today.


FAQs About Face Masks

Globaltex Fine Linens, a top provider of wholesale hotel supplies and cotton face masks, is here to answer your FAQs about optimal face mask use:

  • How many masks to own- The CDC recommends that you wash or discard a mask after every use. With that in mind, having more than one mask available per person is the ideal. A representative from the Sew Face Masks Philadelphia organization says that five masks per person would be a good number, but at least two is advisable, so that you are able to change your masks as needed and won’t be stuck constantly doing laundry. 
  • How to wash your face mask between uses- Clean your masks using hot water and regular detergent and dry them on the hottest setting on the dryer. The CDC says online that masks should be “routinely washed” and that a “washing machine should suffice in properly washing a face covering.” Normal laundering of cloth masks, including drying the masks on high heat, should be enough to get rid of any appreciable viral inoculation of the coronavirus given what we know as of now about its survivability on surfaces.


Taking Care Of Your Cotton Face Mask

  • How to put on and take off your mask properly- Removing a mask should be done from behind, says the CDC, and you shouldn’t touch your nose, mouth, and eyes during the process. Wash your hands immediately after removing it. You can store the used mask in a plastic bag and try to not touch it again until it is cleaned. When putting it in a pot or washing machine, you can dump it from the bag, assuming everything is dirty.


Contact Us Today


It’s important to not take up the supply of surgical masks and N95 respirators, which the CDC says should be “reserved for health-care workers and other medical first responders.” This is why you may want to order cotton face masks from suppliers, such as Globaltex Fine Linens in Houston, TX. Call us for your cotton face mask needs or wholesale hotel supplies today.

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